Flight instructors

Get to know our flight instructors crew!

Aeroplane pilots

Łukasz Sikorski

Head of the practical training instructors. He started his adventure with aviation 10 years ago, after many years of running the company, he decided to continue his aviation passion, which turned into a profession. He started his career as a disposable pilot in business aviation. For 3 years, a Honda Jet pilot in the JET STORY company. Instructor raid 1400h.

Grzegorz Mosakowski

In aviation for over 11 years now. Started with gliders, followed by aeroplanes that led to a university degree in PWSZ Chełm in commercial aviation. Licenses: SPL, ATPL with qualifications: SEPL, MEPL, FI, FI CPL, IR, IRME, glider towing, B737/300-900. Interested in (apart from aviation): motorsport and railway.

Tomasz Ciszewski

Airline pilot. Specialist in implementing security procedures at ZONDA.aero.

Tomasz Szczepaniak

FI(A) instructor in ZONDA.aero since 2020. He is a technical school graduate with a title of Master of Engineering. Qualifications: CPL(A), IR/ME, ICAO ENG LEV5.

Helicopter pilots

Cezary Remiński

Deputy Head of training for helicopters.
A pilot, instructor, and helicopter examiner.
Flight hours: 5500h, 1200h as an instructor.
Currently working in LPR as a HEMS pilot.

Roman Sumara

His journey with aviation started in 1977 with a glider training in Łososina Dolna, where he received a silver badge of gliders. Then he switched his interest into rotorcrafts. Ever since 1979, he flies helicopters to this day. His helicopter career started in military aviation, onto police aviation, and now for 17 years in civil aviation. He built 6500 flights hours, 2100h as an instructor in many different flight organizations as well as LKE examiner. He got a chance to fly such helicopters as SM-1, Mi-8, W-3 Sokół, EC-135, EC-130, EC-120, Bell-206 JetRanger, MD-500, Hu-269, R-44, ENF-28.

Technical Service

Karol Lica

Technical service of aircrafts.

Dariusz Skorupski

Technical service of aircrafts.

Damian Gładysiewicz

Technical service of aircrafts.


Joanna Mórawska

Management assistant.

Maciej Lewosiński

Marketing and sales Specialist

Julia Stone

ATO office service.

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